Brown bag – Growth opportunities

Zulberti srl is promoting “Brownbag”, a venture aimed at sharing with the whole team each individual knowledge, relating to a more renowned and analyzed topic.

Each one of us brings his own proficiency, condensed in a brief presentation of about 15 minutes. The speech takes place before lunch, offered by our C.E.O. Dr. Geol. Dario Zulberti.
The second brownbag was presented by Francesca, who discussed the environmental restoration; specifically, her presentation was based on elements of a landfill environmental restoration. This topic was introduced with a short reference to the italian legislation about landfill, then the presentation focused on techniques used to accomplish the dump’s coverage. Capping systems are realized to isolate the waste from the environment, as specified by regulations, and could be implemented by the area’s vegetation. This brownbag’s goal is to summerize vegetation techniques and suggested plant species that are commonly used for the landfill remediation, as well as the benefits that this operation brings to the environment

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