Birmingham Contamination Expo 2019 – Done and dusted!

Last spring we decided to embark for a new adventure: the very first international Expo for Zulberti s.r.l. The Contamination Expo in Birmingham looked exactly like the perfect opportunity to become internationally known and develop new business abroad, as well as tighten strong collaboration with big partners from all around the world. This summer we accurately planned and prepared the whole process, which required participation by the whole company. After a first stage dedicated to our stand and logistics organisation, we focused on developing a project designed to best represent our company to all the exhibitors and visitors in Birmingham. From here the idea of a Dewatering and Pump&Treat system 3D model, a technology that our team had already fulfilled in many cases. In order to better implement our presence at the Expo, our team performed a scouting campaign of the other exhibitors, with the aim to investigate thoroughly other companies’ core business, strengths and weaknesses.

After this long introductory stage, we eventually flew to Birmingham to participate at the Contamination Expo Series the 11th and 12th of September 2019. The Expo attracted companies from all over the world, mainly operating in the sectors of decontamination and manufacturing of products related to environmental restoration. There were also construction firms and companies involved in waste management and in detection-analysis tools production. Our 3D model was exposed at Zulberti stand and caught everyone’s attention. This model is a reproduction scale of a Dewatering system combined with a Pump&Treat. Dewatering systems are often installed in order to lower the groundwater level by using electric or mechanical pumps and are used to realize excavations in dry conditions. If a contamination in groundwater is detected, the Dewatering scheme is implemented with an activated carbon filter system (Pump&Treat) to remove contaminants from the water before discharge.

During the days at the Expo, our team had the chance to meet experts working in several different fields related to decontamination, to make Zulberti company known abroad and to strengthen partnership with many firms interested in collaborating with us. Birmingham Expo has proved to be an amazing growth opportunity for all of us and a great chance to introduce our company to foreign partners.

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