Geognostic surveys: the right wave to save money

Client: Alperia S.p.A.

Sector: Operation

Type of intervention: Geognostic surveys

Issue: our client contacted us with the intention of enlarging the pre-existing car park adjacent to the artificial Lake Vernago, in Val Senales. Therefore, it is important to investigate the soil lithologic characteristics of the area in order to perform this operation.

What we proposed: We planned the following geognostic surveys with the goal of thoroughly investigating the local litho-stratigraphic framework:

  • 1 active seismic survey with MASW methodology, which allows us to reconstruct with detail and precision the stratigraphic and geotechnical structure. It also enables us to determine the parameter Vseq (parameter introduced by NTC 2018);
  • 1 passive seismic survey with Nakamura method (HVSR), intended to detect the seismic noise of the site. This will lead to identify the site-specific resonance frequency and the soil stratigraphy;
  • 1 continuous coring geognostic survey, driven at a depth of 10.00 m from the ground level. It includes N. 3 dynamic penetration tests (SPT) aiming to determine different subsoil strata resistance to penetration, and collection of N. 2 samples to be analysed in a geotechnical laboratory.

How we act: After planning and performing this set of geognostic surveys, the geophysical data has been processed using proper calculation software. The investigation allowed us to find a specific number of sismo-strata, that agreed with the stratigraphy obtained via continuous coring survey (alternate sand and gravel with pebbles).

By implementing this present geognostic surveys’ campaign our client can extend the car park along the national road n. 38 as quickly as possible, reducing the intervention costs. Indeed, investigation performed on site allowed us to collect the necessary lithological information; by processing the data collected we make sure to avoid unforeseen problems during construction phase and to perform an effective work execution.

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